Public offer agreement on charitable donation

This public offer for a charitable donation (hereinafter - the Offer) aimed at an indefinite number of individuals and legal entities (hereinafter - the Benefactor) and is a public offer of «INTERNATIONAL CHARITABLE FOUNDATION «UNITED EFFORTS», EDRPOU code № 44813488, (hereinafter - Foundation), in the person of the director Kovalenko Olexander, acting on the basis of the Charter, to enter into a Charitable Donation Agreement, under the following conditions:

  1. Concepts and definitions used in the Agreement
    1. This public offer (and/or the Offer) – Valid offer of the Foundation, posted on the Foundation's website on the provision of Charitable Donations, aimed at an indefinite number of individuals and legal entities.
    2. Acceptation is a full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by making actions aimed at a money transfer implementation by the Benefactor both through payment forms and means, information about which is posted on the Foundation's website, and by transferring funds to the current account of the Foundation through financial institutions. The offer is considered accepted from the moment of transfer of funds to the current account of the Foundation.
    3. Charitable Donation is a gratuitous, voluntary transfer of funds by the Benefactor to the Foundation for further usage and achievement of the Foundation goals set by the Foundation's Charter or programs in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations", the Foundation's Charter and this Agreement.
    4. The Benefactor - an able-bodied individual or legal entity that voluntarily makes one or more Charitable Donations. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Benefactor is an individual or legal entity which has accepted the Offer.
  2. Subject of the Agreement
    1. The subject of this Agreement is free and voluntary transfer of funds by the Benefactor to the Foundation by making a Charitable Donation to ensure the statutory activities of the Foundation, including (but not exclusively) the Foundation's charitable assistance in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations", programs of the Foundation, etc.
    2. The Benefactor independently determines the amount and directions of usage of the charitable donation. Performance of this Agreement by the Parties is not intended to make a profit or any benefit to either Party.
  3. Acceptation
    1. By accepting the Offer, the Benefactor states that he agrees with all the terms of the Offer and understands and agrees that the Charitable Donation will be used to achieve the goals set forth in the Charter of the Foundation, which he can read by sending an e-mail request to
    2. In addition, by accepting the Offer, the Benefactor is fully aware of and agrees with the subject of the Agreement, the purposes and goal of public fundraising, and confirms the right of the Foundation to use part of the Charitable Donation for administrative expenses of the Foundation in the amount provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations".
    3. The Parties agree that from the moment of acceptance of the Offer, this Agreement is concluded in written form in accordance with Articles 207, 639, 641 and 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and Articles 6 and 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations". Herewith, the Parties agree that after the acceptance of the Offer, failure to enter into this Agreement in the form of a separate document does not entail the invalidity of this Agreement.
  4. Rights and responsibilities of the Foundation
    1. The Foundation has a right:
      1. to receive Charitable Donations and use them in accordance with the subject and terms of this Agreement and its statutory activities;
      2. to change the directions of the Charitable Donation usage with the consent of the Benefactor;
      3. to use a part of the Charitable Donation for the administrative expenses of the Foundation which do not exceed the amount provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations".
    2. The Foundation is obliged:
      1. annually, in electronic form, to report on the usage of Charitable Donations by posting relevant information on the website;
      2. if the Benefactor has determined the purpose of Charitable Donation, to direct it according to this purpose;
      3. to use the received donations exclusively for achievement of the purposes provided by the Charter of the Foundation.
  5. Rights and responsibilities of the Benefactor
    1. The Benefactor has a right:
      1. to agree to the specific purpose of the usage of the Charitable Donation, specified in the relevant announcement posted on the website of the Foundation about the public collection of Charitable Donations (implementation of a charitable program or project, assistance to a specific beneficiary);
      2. to exercise control over the usage of the Charitable Donation by the Foundation for its intended purpose;
      3. to receive a report on the usage of funds of its Charitable Donation.
    2. The Benefactor is obliged:
      1. to cover the costs associated with the transfer of Charitable Donations (commissions for the transfer of funds, taxes, fees, etc.);
      2. if the Benefactor has determined the purpose of the Charitable Donation, he must indicate the specific purpose in the purpose of payment for which he sends his Charitable Donation;
      3. the Benefactor is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when transferring the Charitable Donation.
  6. Place of public fundraising
    1. Public fundraising of the Charitable Donation is carried out on the territory of any state of the world.
    2. The direct activity of the Foundation related to the achievement of the goals provided by the Charter of the Foundation is carried out on the territory of Ukraine (except for the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and the areas of the anti-terrorist operation).
  7. Fundraising period
    1. Public fundraising lasts until the termination of the Foundation's activities (including by liquidation), unless another term is determined by the Foundation's decision, of which the Benefactor will be notified by posting relevant information on the website
  8. The procedure for the Charitable Donation usage
    1. The usage of the Charitable Donation is carried out in accordance with the purposes defined by the statutory activities of the Foundation and the current legislation of Ukraine, in particular the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations".
    2. Charitable Donations received by the Foundation may be returned to the Benefactor if they have not yet been used by the Foundation for charitable activities only in cases provided by the legislation of Ukraine.
  9. Responsibility of the Foundation
    1. The Foundation is responsible for violating the terms of this Agreement and using Charitable Donations contrary to the procedure provided by the statutory activities of the Foundation and the legislation of Ukraine, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
  10. Procedure of general access to the Foundation information
    1. The financial reporting of the Foundation is promulgated by publishing the annual financial report on the website, in the manner and terms provided by the Charter of the Foundation.
    2. Other information is disclosed by the Foundation in order and in volumes provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.
  11. Procedure for accessing the Benefactor's information
    1. The Benefactor agrees that his contact information may be used by the Foundation to send letters and messages, including in electronic form. At the same time, the Foundation is obliged not to provide information about the Benefactor's contact details to the third Parties, except for cases directly provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.
    2. In addition, the Benefactor agrees that information about him (including surname, name, patronymic, or full name of the legal entity) may be used (only with additional consent) by the Foundation in the media or on the Foundation's website.
    3. By accepting the Offer, the Benefactor confirms that he gives his consent to the collection, processing and usage of his personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" exclusively for the purposes of the Foundation activities.
  12. Bank and other details of the Foundation
    2. EDRPOU code: 44813488;
    3. Location: 03193, Kyiv, 11, Ivana Bilyka Str., office 96;
    4. Telephone, email: +38(044)206-206-4,
    5. Website address:
    6. Bank details: JOINT-STOCK COMPANY OTP BANK in Kyiv, MFI 300528, bank account: UA083005280000026001000021187.